NALA Affiliated Association Newsletters

NALA Affiliated Association Newsletters

NALA wants to share all of the fantastic work that NALA Affiliated Associations do to grow and develop the paralegal profession!

If you are a NALA Affiliated Association and would like to share your association’s newsletter, please email NALA at with your request and attached newsletter.


Central Florida Paralegal Association, Inc. – Carpe Diem, July 2024

Illinois Paralegal Association – The Lookout, March 2024

Los Angeles Paralegal Association – LAPA Reporter, July 2024

Nebraska Paralegal Association – In Brief, February 2024

Orange County Paralegal Association – Association News

Paralegal Association of Northwest Ohio – June 2024

San Diego Paralegal Association – Precedents, 2024 Q1

St. Louis Paralegal Association – Inside STLPA

South Dakota Paralegal Association – Reporter, June 2024

Western Dakota Association of Legal Assistants – WDALA Summons, May 2024