Examinee Information

Examinee Information

Apply Today

Once your Certified Paralegal application has been approved, you are one step closer to becoming a NALA CP! Please take a moment to review the exam information listed below before taking.  If you have any questions, please contact us at testing@nala.org or 918-587-6828.

Knowledge Exam
  • Administered year-round
  • Three (3) hours testing time; Multiple-choice questions
  • 120 questions
    • 100 questions scored
    • 20 questions will be pretested for statistical analysis
  • Candidate MUST first pass the Knowledge Exam before proceeding to the Skills Exam.
  • Candidates are eligible to take the Knowledge Exam only after they have graduated from a paralegal educational program or currently in the last semester or quarter of the program, if using the eligibility pathway; or have the required minimum experience, if using the experience category. The new system of on-demand testing will remove deadlines to apply for the examination. Candidates will be able to apply when they are eligible.
  • Once candidates receive the authorization to test for the Knowledge Exam, candidates will have up to three attempts within 365 days from the initial authorization to test date to pass the Knowledge Exam.
  • If the candidate does not take all three attempts of the Knowledge Exam within 365 days of the initial authorization to test date, the application is voided.  A new application, fee, and testing center fee are required to reapply for the Certified Paralegal Exam.
  • If the candidate does not pass the Knowledge Exam in three attempts during the 365 days, a new application, fee, and testing center fee are required to reapply for the Certified Paralegal Exam.
  • Candidates MUST wait 90 days between each of the three attempts of the Knowledge Exam and must submit a retake application, fee, and testing center fee to NALA to initiate each additional attempt and receive a new Testing Ticket notification.
Skills Exam
  • Administered in February, April, July, and October
  • Two (2) hours testing time; written essay
  • Examinees will be graded on their ability to do the following:
    • identify which facts are relevant and state them concisely and accurately;
    • identify the threshold or main issue and any secondary issue(s);
    • identify the relevant legal authority and apply it to the facts; and
    • draw persuasive logical conclusions
  • Candidates who pass the Knowledge Exam will receive authorization to take the Skills Exam after paying the testing center fee.
  • Candidates have up to three attempts within 365 days from the authorization to test date to pass the Skills Exam.
  • If the candidate does not take all three attempts of the Skills Exam within 365 days of the initial Skills Exam authorization to test date, the application is voided.  A new application, fee, and testing center fee are required to reapply for the Certified Paralegal Exam. The candidate is required to start over by taking the Knowledge Exam.
  • If the candidate does not pass the Skills Exam in three attempts during the 365 days, a new application, fee, and testing center fee are required to reapply for the Certified Paralegal Exam.  The candidate must start over by taking the Knowledge Exam.
  • Candidates MUST wait 90 days between each of the three attempts of the Skills Exam and must submit a retake application, fee, and testing center fee to NALA to initiate each additional attempt and receive a new Testing Ticket notification.
Exam Specifications
Application Fees:


  • $240 NALA Members
  • $280 Non-members

Paralegal Student (The Paralegal student fee is for paralegal students who will be graduating from a Paralegal program within the 60-day document submission deadline and who do not currently qualify under category 1, 2, or 3.)

  • $150 NALA Members
  • $175 Non-members


  • $325 NALA Members
  • $375 Non-members
Retake Candidates:

$150 (per subsequent attempt for each Knowledge and Skills Exam)

Testing Center Fees

Onsite Testing

  • Knowledge Exam – $67
  • Skills Exam – $60

Partner Testing

  • Knowledge Exam – $20
  • Skills Exam – $20

Remote Proctoring (Knowledge Exam only)

  • Knowledge Exam – $50

Examinees are provided with failing scores only and will also receive feedback regarding their performance on the exam in preparation for re-testing.

  • The Knowledge Exam scores will be provided at the conclusion of your exam.
  • The Skills Exam scores can take up to 15 weeks to be released after the closing of the testing window.

Passing scores are not provided as the Certifying Board has determined “Pass” is sufficient to designate successful completion of the Exam.

NOTE: Results are NOT available by telephone or fax.  The questions and answers are not released.

Passing Percentage Rate

Knowledge Exam – 100 points total

  • 2021 – 60% of candidates passed
  • 2022 – 53% of candidates passed
  • 2023 – 54% of candidates passed

Skills Exam – 30 points total

  • 2021 – 60% of candidates passed
  • 2022 – 65% of candidates passed
  • 2023 – 57% of candidates passed
How Passing Score is Established

The passing points, or cut scores, for the exams are established using a criterion-referenced technique. Qualified and trained SMEs participate in determining the passing points working with the psychometric consultant. The final passing points resulting from this process are approved by the Certifying Board (or SME working group).

Exam Score Appeal Process

An examinee may appeal, in writing, to the Certifying Board for review of the Board’s actions concerning examination results.

Such appeal must include the candidate’s basis for the appeal and any and all relevant documentation to be considered and must be received at NALA within thirty (30) days after release of the examination results. The Board Chair and NALA staff will promptly investigate to determine whether the documentation submitted meets the Certifying Board’s requirements for review of examination results. If it is determined that the appeal does not meet the requirements, the examinee will be so advised. If the information meets the Board’s requirements for an appeal, such appeal shall be reviewed by an appeal committee which shall be composed of a minimum of three (3) members of the Certifying Board, to include a paralegal educator, an attorney, and an Advanced Certified Paralegal. Each member of the Appeal Committee shall have served a minimum of one (1) year on the Certifying Board.

The Appeal Committee of the Certifying Board will determine whether a decision made by the Certifying Board was inappropriate if: (1) the decision was based on material errors of fact, or (2) the NALA Certifying Board failed to follow published criteria, policies, and procedures.

Only facts and conditions up to and including the time of the Certifying Board’s decision are eligible for consideration during the appeal process.

After consideration of the matter under appeal, the Appeal Committee shall submit its recommendation for action to the Certifying Board. A majority vote of Certifying Board members shall be final and binding in the matter under appellate review.

School Transcripts

Categories 1 and 2 require an official school transcript or letter of completion submitted with the application. A transcript is considered “official” if it bears the official seal and authorizing signature of the issuing institution. We will accept a copy of the transcript via mail, fax, or email. The official transcript must indicate all courses taken and date of graduation.

*Foreign degrees must be evaluated by a reputable company to determine the equivalency to U.S. education.

Proof of Military Status
  • Military ID Card; or
  • VA Issued ID Card for Health Care; or
  • Veterans ID Card; or
  • Veterans Designation on Drivers License or State Veterans ID Card; or
  • Discharge documentation
Examinee Attestation

All examinees are required to sign the attestation on the application for the Certified Paralegal examination. This serves as a pledge of confidentiality and states reasons for suspension of authorization to use the Certified Paralegal credential.

Attorney Employer Attestations
  • For those qualifying under Category 1, an attorney/employer attestation is not required.
  • For those qualifying under Category 2, the attestation section is required only if applying with one year or more of paralegal experience in lieu of the 15 semester hours of paralegal courses.
  • The attestation section must be completed by all applicants for Category 3.
Withdrawal, Incomplete, or Rejected Applications

If an applicant must withdraw the application, a $75 cancelation fee is required. If the application is incomplete or rejected, the application will be denied and a $75 processing fee is required.

Americans With Disabilities Act

The Certified Paralegal examination is administered in compliance with requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act. All special requests must accompany the application form. Click here to download special accommodations form. Examinees qualifying for special accommodations under the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act must attend a PSI testing center.


Individuals currently incarcerated for any felony offense or on probation, parole, or other court-imposed supervision for a felony offense are ineligible to apply for the Certified Paralegal Exam.


An individual’s application status, exam results, and personal identifying information is confidential and will not be released by NALA to any person without the consent of the individual or as required by law, except to exam proctors as required for administration of the exam.


NALA does not discriminate against applicants based on race, color, creed, gender, age, religion, national origin, ancestry, disability, military status, sexual orientation, marital status, or family status.

The Certified Paralegal Exam is computer-based. Examinees may take the Exam at a PSI onsite testing center, NALA Partner testing center (your place of employment, military base, or school), or online testing (Remote Proctoring).

PSI Testing Center Network


Examinees are required to pay PSI testing center fees.  The testing center fee is separate from the initial application fee.  The PSI Testing Center Network that most examinees in the Certified Paralegal Program will be utilizing is the PSI Premier PLUS Test Centers. There are over 250 PSI testing centers throughout the United States. After examinees are admitted to the CP Program, they will work directly with PSI to confirm testing appointments. The website has a list of testing centers. Be sure to choose National Association of Legal Assistants (NALA) as the Sponsor name from the drop-down menu of certification programs for an accurate list of testing centers.

Please adhere to PSI’s guidelines regarding COVID-19.  Click PSI’s COVID-19 FAQs for details.

Note: Cheating and misconduct are not tolerated in the Certified Paralegal Program. Click here to review policies and other policies for examinees.

The following policies address testing center policies, terms and conditions, timing of exam sections and instructions from proctors.

Upon login to the testing web site, the Terms and Conditions appear on the computer screen with the login information. These are detailed rules relating to the delivery of the computer based examination. Each examinee must enter their unique NALA Account Number and click “I accept these terms and conditions” before signing in to the examination.

Terms and Conditions

You are asked to agree to the following terms and conditions related to computer-based delivery of the Certified Paralegal examination any time you sign-in to the test website. This information was provided to you with your examinee information from NALA.

PLEASE read the following carefully – some of the terms are duplicative of requirements of PSI testing centers, others are specifically required of all NALA examinees.

By clicking “I accept these terms and conditions,” you are agreeing to the following:

  • I have read the “Policy Statement” and I am familiar with its provisions.
  • I will be continuously monitored during my appointment.
  • I consent to video and audio recording of my test session and to the examination of the video and/or audio recording of my test session in the event that any questions should arise concerning possible violations of the procedures and/or rules of the test center. (May not apply to all centers.)
  • I will follow instructions of the test proctor, represent myself honestly, and conduct myself quietly to avoid interfering with the performance of other examinees.
  • I will only use authorized computer equipment.
  • I will not open software programs on the computer provided by the testing center unless instructed by the proctor.
  • I will neither give nor receive any form of unauthorized assistance during the examination or any breaks.
  • I will not bring into the testing room any unauthorized items such as food, drinks, purses, briefcases, backpacks, cell phones, pagers, notes, note pads, photographic equipment, or any electronic devices. If I am observed using an electronic device, including a cell phone, in violation of these rules, it may be confiscated and sent to NALA for examination.
  • If I have questions or concerns about the test environment, I will quietly notify the test proctor.
  • I will report all problems related to the testing center, proctor, or computer delivery of the exam to the proctor immediately. If an examinee does not report problems with exam delivery immediately to the proctor, NALA will trust there are no problems, and there is no basis for complaint after the examination session has ended.
  • I will allow testing center staff 30 minutes to resolve any technical problems that may arise (including power failure). I have the option of continuing the examination or requesting a reschedule of the examination for technical or other problems outside of my control taking more than 30 minutes to resolve.
  • I will sign in and out every time I enter or leave the testing room.
  • During testing, the exam timer will remain running during any unscheduled breaks; therefore, it is in my best interest to use the restroom or otherwise address personal needs prior to beginning my test.
  • I will remain in the test center and may leave only to use those restroom facilities that are closest to the test room. I will not leave the building. I will not access a phone or my personal belongings, except in the case of an emergency. Under such circumstances, I will notify the test proctor before accessing a phone or my personal belongings.
  • I will not remove any written, printed, or recorded materials of my examination from the testing center. The examination questions remain the property NALA and I shall maintain the confidentiality of the questions and answers.
  • I will return all materials, including scratch paper, provided to me by the test proctor when I have completed my examination and before I leave the test center.
  • Once I begin taking sections of the Certified Paralegal Examination, I understand the examination, including retakes, must be completed within two years, (a maximum of five additional testing sessions).
  • If the examination is not completed within this time frame, credit for all passed sections will be forfeited and a new application form will be required.
  • Abuse of this site or non-compliance of these terms and conditions will not be tolerated. Should information concerning abuse or non-compliance come to NALA’s attention, the candidate’s ID number and PIN will be terminated and NALA may take further disciplinary action.

Prior to allowing examinees to sign in to the testing site, all examinees are required to review the terms and conditions related to taking the CP Examination via computer-based testing. The information contained in the terms and conditions is also provided to examinees with the testing PIN and ID number, the NALA account number, and other instructions. Each examinee will be required to check “I accept these terms and conditions” prior to starting an examination.


Knowledge Exam

  • The preliminary test scores will be provided immediately to examinees at the testing center after completing the Exam.
  • NALA will provide an official confirmation of test results.

Skills Exam

  • Requires grading by the Certifying Board and results will not be available at the testing center.
  • Results for the Skills Exam will be released within 6-8 weeks after the closing of the testing window.

Examinees are provided with failing scores only. In addition, examinees who need to re-test will receive feedback regarding their performance on the exam. This information is provided to assist examinees in preparation for re-testing.

Passing scores are not provided. Successful completion of each exam is designated with “Pass.” The Certifying Board has determined “Pass” is sufficient to designate successful completion of the exam sections and that if a paralegal has met the standard, the paralegal has earned the Certified Paralegal credential.

Results are NOT available by telephone or fax.  The questions and answers are not released.

Appeal of Results

An examinee may appeal, in writing, to the Certifying Board for review of the Board’s actions concerning examination results. The specific procedure for the appeal of examination results is posted on the NALA website.

Retake Policy

Knowledge Exam Retake

  • Candidates who do not pass the Knowledge Exam must wait 90 days before re-taking it.
  • Candidates must pass the Knowledge Exam within the first attempt and two additional retake attempts during the 365-day period or wait 365 days before trying again.

Skills Exam Retake

  • Candidates who do not pass the Skills Exam must wait 90 days before re-taking it.
  • Candidates must pass the Skills Exam within the first attempt and two additional retake attempts during the 365 days or start over by retaking the Knowledge Exam.

Confidentiality of Examinees

The names of examinees for the Certified Paralegal Examination are considered confidential and not released by NALA to any person, except examination proctors, without express approval of the examinee.

Other Certified Paralegal Program Requirements

This policy statement refers strictly to the delivery of the Certified Paralegal Examination. It is the responsibility of each examinee to be familiar with the other policies and requirements of the Certified Paralegal Program, including but not limited to, the continuing education requirements to maintain the Certified Paralegal credential as well as examination and testing center fees.

Timing of Exam Sections

The following are the required two sections of the Certified Paralegal Exam with the time allowed as established by the NALA Certifying Board:

  • Knowledge Exam – 3 hours
  • Skills Exam – 2 hours (Essay required)

The computer-based testing allows the timing of each exam section to be enforced automatically. Timing begins when the test is released by the examination proctor. When the time has expired, the exam will close automatically, and the examinee will not have access to it again. If an examinee has not completed the test, and the time allowed expires, the work completed will be scored. Questions that are not completed will be scored as incorrect answers.

Timing begins once the proctor has released the exam. There are no scheduled breaks during the exam. If a break must be taken during testing, the clock will continue to run.

Instructions for Proctors

Testing center proctors are responsible for the delivery of the Certified Paralegal Exam, including providing scratch paper as needed.  Questions regarding facilities or equipment should be directed to the testing center proctor.

The NALA Certifying Board is responsible for the Certified Paralegal Examination.  Questions regarding the examination content or format should be directed to NALA Headquarters at 6450 S. Lewis Ave, Suite 250, Tulsa, OK  74136, 918.587.6828 , FAX 918.582.6772, or testing@nala.org.

Policy Statement

One of the terms is that the examinee is aware of the Policy Statement. This consists of a review of the attestation each examinee signed on the application form and other policies related to the exam program. The statement is as follows:

Policy Statement
The Certified Paralegal Examination was developed by NALA-The Association of Legal Assistants-Paralegals and has been provided to the paralegal profession since 1976. The program is administered by the Certifying Board for Paralegals.

Examinee Attestation
All examinees are required to sign the following attestation on the application for the Certified Paralegal examination. This statement serves a reminder of your pledge of confidentiality, and reasons for suspension of authorization to use the Certified Paralegal credential:

I hereby declare that the above information [on the Certified Paralegal Examination Application Form] is complete and truthful. I further pledge not to divulge the contents of any examination question for certification as a legal assistant/paralegal by NALA (the “Examination Questions”) and agree to be bound by the Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility of NALA. Inasmuch as it is and ever will be impracticable and extremely difficult to determine the actual damages resulting to NALA should I divulge the contents of any Examination Questions, I agree to pay NALA as liquidated damages and not as a penalty, the sum of $500 for each breach of my agreement not to divulge the contents of any Examination Questions.

I further understand that the CP designation may be suspended or revoked and that I may be prohibited from taking any further NALA exams, including but not limited to any specialty practice area exams or retaking the general certification exam for the following reasons:

  1. falsified information on any document submitted to the Certifying Board;
  2. been disciplined for the unauthorized practice of law since applying for the Certified Paralegal credential;
  3. failed to meet continuing legal education requirements;
  4. divulged the contents of any examination question;
  5. been convicted of a felony since applying for the Certified Paralegal credential;
  6. failed to notify NALA of updates to their application for the Certified Paralegal credential;
  7. violated the NALA Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility;
  8. violated the Certified Paralegal Program Handbook;
  9. violated the “Terms and Conditions of Testing”; or
  10. engaged in any other conduct determined by a majority vote of the Certifying Board to be unethical or unprofessional.
PSI Onsite Testing Centers

Examinees will receive an email notification from NALA when PSI is ready to accept appointments  for the Certified Paralegal Exam. Examinees may NOT contact PSI until this notification is received. The notification will include the PSI Username. This number should be identical to the information provided by NALA. If it is not, examinees should contact NALA Headquarters immediately.  PSI provides two easy methods to schedule test appointments:

When you schedule your appointment, you should be prepared to provide any of the following information:
  • Name used to schedule your appointment must match exactly the name shown on your identification. At a minimum, the identification must be a valid, government-issued ID that shows your name in the English alphabet, your signature, your photograph
  • Your sponsor issued I.D. number
  • Contact phone numbers – If there is an unexpected event, PSI will use these numbers to contact you
  • Mailing address
  • Exam title
  • Email address
  • Payment

Test appointments can be canceled and/or rescheduled through the PSI website.  PSI has strict rules regarding cancelation or rescheduling appointments. Changes or cancelations received fewer than 72 hours prior to the appointment date will result in a forfeiture of appointment and payment. Cancelations more than 72 hours in advance of the appointment date are eligible for rescheduling. Appointments may be canceled or rescheduled online using the same link used to schedule appointments.

In rare cases, weather or an emergency forces a test center closure. If this happens, you will be contacted by the PSI rescheduling department within 24-48 hours to reschedule your appointment. Examinees may also call 800-733-9267 for information. Real-time site information is posted at psiexams.com.

Once examinees have made the appointment a, PSI will send a confirmation with testing center rules. The confirmation will also include directions to the testing center location.

PSI Testing Center Policies

The following are standard rules for PSI testing centers and will be followed by NALA examinees. For more detailed information, there is a frequently asked questions (FAQ) page on the PSI website. Click here to visit this page.

  • No conversing or any other form of communication among candidates is permitted once you enter the examination area.
  • You are prohibited from reproducing, communicating or transmitting any test content in any form for any purpose. Copying or communicating content is a violation of PSI security policy. Either one may result in the disqualification of examination results, may lead to legal action and will be reported to your Licensing Authority/Sponsor.
  • Electronic devices and recording devices of any kind (including but not limited to cell phones, pagers, cameras, smart watches) are NOT permitted in PSI testing centers.
  • No personal items should be brought to the testing centers. PSI will not be responsible for any personal items and suggests that you leave such items in another safe place of your choosing. Only non-programmable calculators that are silent, battery operated, do not have paper tape printing capabilities, and do not have an alphabet keyboard will be allowed in the examination site.
  • You must present valid, unexpired and acceptable ID(s) in order to take your test. Check your Candidate Information Bulletin or Licensing Authority/Sponsor for the specific rules that apply to your test.
  • PSI requires all employees and test takers to conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner at all times. Exhibiting abusive behavior towards a proctor or other candidates will be reported to your Licensing Authority/Sponsor and may result in criminal prosecution.
  • You must arrive at the testing center at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled exam time in order to be admitted to take your exam.
  • Persons not scheduled to take a test are not permitted to wait in the testing center or surrounding common areas.
  • Once examinees have made the appointment and submitted payment, PSI will send a confirmation with testing center rules. The confirmation will also include directions to the testing center location.
PSI Cost Information

Examinees are required to pay PSI testing center fees.  It is separate from the initial application fee.  Examinees are required to be present 30 minutes prior to the stated exam start time for check-in and sign-in into the exam session.

Examinees are cautioned that those who are termed “NO-SHOWS” will forfeit the examination appointment and fee. A candidate may reschedule an appointment an unlimited number of times prior to the “red zone.” The “red zone” is 72 hours prior to the appointment date and time. Once a candidate is inside the “red zone” the appointment will be forfeited for a change or no- show.

NALA is not responsible for changes in policies of PSI that apply to the PSI Testing Center Network. NALA makes every effort to convey information about PSI testing center policies, but amendments to the schedule and policies may be made by PSI that are not immediately communicated to NALA.

For those Examinees who will be participating in Partner Testing Centers, NALA has established procedures which allow an employer, military base, or school to apply to become a NALA approved testing center designed for groups of employees, military persons, or paralegal students.

Required forms for Partners may be returned to testing@nala.org:

  1. Partner Testing Center Handbook
  2. Partner Testing Center Application
  3. Partner Testing Proctor Application
  4. Partner Testing Center Schedule


Testing with Remote Proctoring


Remote Proctoring is a secure and non-invasive platform that uses professional proctors and technology to monitor examinees live while they complete the Certified Paralegal (CP) Exam.  Remote Proctoring is only available for the Knowledge Exam. This method of test delivery allows the examinee to take the CP Exam from their home, office, or a remote site, using their own computer.  The process is secure, easily accessible, monitors testing activity, and records all aspects of the Exam session.

Candidates who would like to choose online testing (remote proctoring) will need to run a system and webcam test (click here) on the computer they plan to take the Exam on to ensure it will meet remote proctoring requirements. If they meet the requirements, they can move forward with scheduling online testing (remote proctoring). Candidates must be able to use the computer in a private room without interruption.  You may watch the Online Proctoring Experience video:


Remote Proctoring – Preparation

Computer Specifications
Testing computers must have a detachable web camera, microphone, and broadband internet access.

Technical Requirements with FAQs
The technical requirements for the proctoring process are below. You will not be able to use a tablet since tablets don’t allow you to share your screen with a proctor. If you plan to use a work computer, you must have administrative rights with permission to disable the firewall for remote access. Here’s a list of what you need:

  • Laptop or desktop computer (Windows or Mac only)
  • Webcam, microphone, and speakers (camera and mic must be functional and available for testing)
  • Stable broadband internet connection – Minimum 300 Kbps; we recommend 5Mbps or higher upload and download
  • A wired connection is preferred over wireless (Wi-Fi)
  • Screen resolution 1368 x 769 or higher
  • Current version of Google Chrome or some other Chromium-based browser is best
  • Flash player (for PC users) no longer supported

  • Ability to download and install a small program: PSI’s secure web browser. In work or outside environments with firewalls, you must have administrative access to disable the firewall. This must be ensured prior to taking the Exam on a work computer or when using WIFI that may have a firewall.  The compatibility test does not test for administrative rights and firewalls.
  • Chromebooks, tablets, and cellphones are not compatible and cannot be used. Touchscreens cannot be used. (There is no support for tablets or mobile devices at this time).
  • Dual screens are not allowed

Operating System For PC users Windows 8.1, and 10 are compatible (not 10 S or 10 in S-mode, Enterprise version unsupported). To find your window version, right-click on the window icon and select “Run”.  In the box labeled “Open” type in the word winver.  Press the Enter key.   For Mac users version 10.14, or higher operating systems are needed (new OS support is within 30 days of release). To find out what version you have on a Mac click on the Apple icon and click on “About This Mac”.  Other OS: Ubuntu 18.04 is also compatible.  Firefox and Chrome are supported for use on your PC but not Edge or Internet Explorer.  For Mac users Safari, Firefox or Chrome can be used.

If you have not already done so, you should do computer compatibility and webcam check now, using the computer you plan to test on.


  • The CP Exam is administered by appointment only.  The Knowledge Exam may be taken any day of the week, including Saturday and Sunday, 24 hours a day
  • It is your responsibility to schedule the Exam as soon as you receive your Authorization to Test from NALA.  This must be done within 365 days from the Authorization to Test date in your NALA account.
  • If you are unable to take the Exam via remote proctoring, you will need to allow time to change to an Onsite test center, so it is critical you do not delay scheduling.  If you are unable to schedule at an onsite test center, you may consider testing via the Partner testing option (a local college, your military base, or your place of employment). See the Partner testing section .
  • You may schedule your appointment using the scheduling  link  in your Authorization to Test email from NALA.

When you schedule you will have the following options:

  • Onsite (Test Center)
  • Online Proctored (Live)
Launching the Exam
  1. Prior to the day of the exam make sure you have completed the compatibility and webcam test on the computer you plan to test on and that you are able to log into your NALA account.  The inability to log into your account the day of the exam due to the inability to remember your PSI Username or password, or connect to the testing proctor due to computer incompatibility will require you to contact NALA to reschedule.
  2. On the day of your exam, please be at the location (the room you will test in) you plan to test up to 15 minutes early.
  3. Sign in to your NALA account on PSI’s website to initiate the exam launch process.
  4. Click on the “Schedule or Launch Exam” link in your account.  PSI’s scheduling and testing platform will open.
  5. Click the “Launch Exam” link.
  6. Follow the instruction from this point and work with the proctor.
  7. Please review the HELP information before starting your Knowledge Exam.  It provides information on using the computer screen, calculator, bookmark, and comment box (as scratch paper).

If you have any technical issues launching your exam, please call PSI’s Tech Support:

  • Inside the U.S. 1-844-267-1017
  • Outside the U.S. 1-702-939-6734
Connection Issues

Remote proctoring is a new modality of testing and with so many people using the internet, there may be issues with getting connected to the Exam or being disconnected.  Please note the following:

  • When launching the Exam, please allow up to 30 minutes from the time your appointment was scheduled to get connected with the proctor and to begin the exam process.
  • After 30 minutes from the time your appointment was scheduled if you are unable to connect to a proctor and are still in the queue to be connected. Call PSI technical services at 1-844-267-1017for assistance. If you are still unable to connect after speaking with technical services, you will need to call PSI Candidate Services at 1-833-256-1426to reschedule your appointment. If you have any issues, please contact at 918-587-6828.
  • If you choose to test after a 30-minunte or longer wait time, this will not be a reason for a retest if you are not successful on the Exam.
  • If you start the exam and are disconnected, please call PSI technical services at 1-844-267-1017 for assistance to get reconnected.
  • If you are unable to get reconnected after starting the exam, the timing for a second attempt to take the exam will be based on how much time and how many questions you were exposed to.  If you are disconnected and cannot be reconnected and have tested for under 15 minutes and were exposed to less than 10% of the exam you will be rescheduled within your current eligibility window.   If you tested for longer than 15 minutes and/or saw more than 10% of the questions on the exam, you will need to retest at an onsite test center or a NALA Partner test center.
What to Expect on Testing Day
  • All candidates must report to the test portal 15 minutes before the scheduled testing time. You can launch the exam platform within 30 minutes of your appointment time. A minimum of 15 minutes is needed for checking IDs, surveying the testing environment, and going through the security measures & exam rules.
  • Anyone not starting the exam within 15 minutes within the scheduled appointment time, automatically forfeits the examination appointment and the ability to test using Remote Proctoring.
  • The time spent on the security measures and exam rules does not affect your testing time. You will have the full time allotted to take the Exam.
  • For the screen-sharing connection during the exam, candidates must download a program, which connects the candidate’s screen to the proctor. Once the candidate has connected their screen to the proctor, the proctor connects the two-way video and audio connection. Once the exam is over, the session expires, and the remote connection is no longer valid
  • If you do not wish to complete the download, consider taking the test at an onsite testing center or with a NALA Partner testing center.
  • A small program file will download to your computer. Click the file to open it and select “Run” to install the program. If any pop-ups ask if you approve, click Yes or Okay.
  • A live proctor will connect with you via a chat box. You’ll read the rules and sign off on them.
Identification Process
  • One form of current ID is required and must be presented to the proctor before the exam starts. All identification presented must be current or unexpired and contain a signature (no forms of temporary identification will be accepted). The ID must have a photo, expiration date, and the first and last name must match the eligibility record from your NALA account.  Candidates will not be allowed to test without proper ID (military IDs are not accepted).  The following are acceptable forms of ID:
    • Driver’s License
    • State identity card (non-driver license)
    • Passport
    • Passport card
    • Green Card
    • Alien Registration
    • Permanent resident card
    • National identification card
  • The proctor will confirm the candidate’s identification prior to starting the Exam. The proctor will ask you to show your photo ID. Hold it up to the webcam to verify your identity.
Testing Environment and Process

You can schedule and launch your exam right from your home or office computer but must have a microphone, webcam, speakers, and stable broadband internet. The chrome browser is best to use.

  • The proctor will check to make sure your webcam and microphone are working properly, and that screen sharing has been activated. You will be asked to share your screen for all connected equipment.
  • The proctor will ask you to slowly move the webcam around the room to verify that you are alone and that your desk is clear of restricted items. If there are notes, drinks, a box of tissues, or any such items on your desk, you will be asked to remove them prior to releasing the Exam.
  • You will have an on-screen calculator to use and each question has a comment box if you need to write anything down.  No scratch paper is allowed.
  • If you need assistance during your exam, you should initiate a chat with the online test administrator using the in-exam chat tool.
  • No conversing or any other form of communication is permitted once your exam has been released.
  • You are prohibited from reproducing, communicating, or transmitting any test content in any form for any purpose. Copying or communicating content is a violation of NALA and PSI security policy. Either one may result in the disqualification of exam results, may lead to legal action, and will be reported to NALA.
  • The testing environment will be surveyed by the proctor prior to testing. The testing computer must be in a private room and be able to be used without interruption. A proctor will continuously monitor both the test taker and the testing environment.
  • No other people(i.e. guests, visitors, family members) or pets are allowed in the testing room.
  • The workspace must be cleared of all materials, including books, papers, dictionaries, other reference materials, or personal items (i.e. purses, briefcases, coats). No scratch paper is allowed and you must use the comment box if you need to write down anything.
  • No electronic devices (other than the computer being used to test) are allowed in the room! This includes cell/smartphones, signaling devices such as pagers and alarms, cameras or other photographic or duplicating devices, personal digital assistants (PDAs), recording devices or other hand-held computers, tablets, and digital music players (i.e. iPod & iPad).
  • All jewelry (watches, necklaces, pins) and head coverings must be removed from the room prior to the testing session. If you require a head covering, you need to test at an onsite test center or NALA Partner test center.
  • Your launch button will be enabled when your exam is fully prepared for delivery.
  • You may not exit the camera view or use a cell phone or other electronic devices during the exam.
  • Your hands must be visible to the camera at all times. Talking or mouthing words while testing is prohibited. You may not cover your face or mouth with your hands.
  • PSI requires all employees and exam takers to conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner at all times. Exhibiting abusive behavior towards a proctor via chat or other candidates will be reported to NALA and may result in criminal prosecution.

The following is a list of major and minor events the proctor is watching for.  Please note minor events will have warnings from the proctor.  After three minor events, the exam will be ended.  If the same minor violation is repeated, it constitutes as a major violation which will result in the exam being terminated.  Major events will end the exam immediately.  Any exam ended for minor or major events ends the testing process.  NALA will review the recording within 30 days to determine if you are eligible to retest.


Restrictions and Security
  • The computer screen, questions, and browser are monitored by the proctor throughout the exam process. All information displayed on the computer screen during testing (instructions, questions, etc.) is the property of NALA and may not be reproduced in any form.
  • No questions concerning the content of the exam may be asked during the test.
  • No breaks will be permitted during the testing time.
  • The Knowledge Exam is three hours.
  • If any non-approved items are observed on the workspace after the exam is started, you will be dismissed, and the test administration will end.
  • If testing has to be shut down for technical reasons related to the ability to use your computer or the Wi-Fi, you will be required to reschedule at an onsite test center. You are required to test within your allotted 365-day testing window (your authorization to test date located in your NALA account). PSI requires a four-business day notice to reschedule.
  • Any questionable behavior will be reviewed on the webcam, chat logs, and audio from the time of authentication through submission of the exam. All recordings are deleted after 30 days.

If a candidate is dismissed by the proctor, the test administration will end.  The proctor may dismiss a candidate from the exam for any of the following reasons:

  • the candidate gives or receives help or is suspected of doing so
  • the candidate attempts to record test questions or to make notes
  • the candidate displays and/or uses electronic communications equipment such as pagers, cellular phones, PDAs, etc.
  • the candidate attempts to take the exam for someone else
  • the candidate is observed with personal belongings
  • the candidate is observed with notes, books, or other aids without it being previously approved by NALA
  • any event that the proctor(s) deems as a compromise to the testing session

If a candidate engages in misconduct and is dismissed, the exam score will not be reported, and exam fees will not be refunded.

Forfeiture of Fees

All fees will be forfeited by the candidate if the candidate engages in any of the above-listed violations and is dismissed from the test administration.

Violation of any of the listed provisions results in dismissal from the testing session and having the candidate’s results on the exam voided and exam fees not refunded.

Timed Examination
  • After the security measures have been completed and the rules have been reviewed, the exam will start. During the exam, the browser is secured with no ability to copy, paste, screen capture, access other sites, use instant messaging applications or run remote access/virtual machines.
  • Three (3) hours are allotted to complete the Knowledge Exam
    The virtual proctor monitors the time you spend on the exam. The exam will terminate if you exceed the time limit. You may click on the “Time” button in the lower right portion of the screen or select the TIME key to monitoring your time. A digital clock indicating the time remaining for you to complete the exam will appear. The time feature may also be turned off during the exam. Only one test item is presented at a time. The item number appears on the screen. The entire test item appears on-screen (i.e., stem and four options labeled A, B, C, or D.). Indicate your choice by either entering the letter of the option you think is correct (A, B, C, or D) or clicking on the option using the mouse. To change your answer, enter a different option by pressing the A, B, C, or D key or by clicking on the option using the mouse. You may change your answers as many times as you wish during the testing time limit.
  • To move to the next item, click on the forward arrow (>) in the lower right portion of the screen or select the NEXT key. This action will move you forward through the exam item by item. If you wish to review any item or items, click the backward arrow (<) or use the left arrow key to move backward through the exam.
  • A test item may be left unanswered and returned to later in the testing session. Items may also be bookmarked (flagged) for later review by clicking in the blank square to the right of the Time button. Click on the forward-pointing hand or select the NEXT key to advance to the next unanswered or bookmarked item on the exam. To identify all unanswered and bookmarked items, repeatedly click on the forward-pointing hand or press the NEXT key. When the exam is completed, the number of test items answered is reported. If all items have not been answered and there is time remaining, return to the exam and answer those items. Any unanswered question is considered a wrong answer.
  • Online comments may be provided for any item by clicking on the button displaying an exclamation point (!) to the left of the Time button. This opens a dialogue box where comments may be entered. Comments will be reviewed, but individual responses will not be provided. NOTE: The time to make comments will be counted toward the test time, and no comments are acceptable as answers.
Results Notification
  • Knowledge Exam results are provided at the conclusion of your Exam.
  • NALA will upload your scores to your NALA account and advise you via email.
  • If you pass the Knowledge Exam, expect to receive your Skills Exam Authorization to Test within 48 hours (allow additional time for weekends and holidays).
Inclement Weather, Power Failure, or Emergency

Inclement Weather

If you are unable to take your scheduled examination, due to inclement weather, power failure, or unforeseen emergencies, you may reschedule your exam.  This reschedule must occur within your authorized 365-day timeframe.

Power Failure or Emergency

If power is temporarily interrupted during an administration, your exam will restart where you left off, and you may continue the exam. If you are unable to get reconnected after starting the exam, the timing for a second attempt to take the exam will be based on how much time and how many questions you were exposed to.  If you are disconnected and cannot be reconnected and have tested for under 15 minutes and were exposed to less than 10% of the exam you will be rescheduled within your current eligibility window.   If you tested for longer than 15 minutes and/or saw more than 10% of the questions on the exam, you will need to retest at an onsite test center or a NALA Partner test center.

The Certified Paralegal credential may be suspended or revoked if it is found the Certified Paralegal has:

  • falsified information on any document submitted to the Certifying Board;
  • been disciplined for the unauthorized practice of law since applying for the Certified Paralegal credential;
  • failed to meet continuing legal education requirements;
  • divulged the contents of any examination question;
  • been convicted of a felony since applying for the Certified Paralegal credential;
  • failed to notify NALA of updates to their application for the Certified Paralegal credential;
  • violated the NALA Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibility;
  • violated the Certified Paralegal Program Handbook;
  • violated the “Terms and Conditions of Testing”; or
  • engaged in any other conduct determined by a majority vote of the Certifying Board to be unethical or unprofessional.

Filing a complaint. If any person believes that a Certified Paralegal has been convicted of a felony or violated any of these standards, the individual should contact NALA in writing. Such communication should be marked “Confidential.” The information provided should include documents which substantiate any claim of conviction or improper behavior.

For more information view Disciplinary Procedures.