Business people


Volunteer Spotlight

Christine K. Lillo, ACP
January 2021

Christine K. Lillo, ACP, a paralegal from South Dakota, is the epitome of an accomplished paralegal. Since earning her Certified Paralegal credential in 1994, Chris earned a Bachelor of Science in Sociology, three Advanced Certified Paralegal credentials, two NALA Affiliate Awards, and has served many years on the NALA Certifying Board. She also served as Area 2 Director on the Board of Directors from 2018 to 2020.

Chris finds the paralegal profession quite rewarding.

“I really enjoy analyzing issues and developing plans and logical steps to help clients reach their goals or overcome obstacles,” she said. “Once I have attorney approval, I find it so rewarding to successfully execute those plans, especially if I can simplify a problem for a client who was initially feeling overwhelmed.”

“The paralegal profession can be intense and frustrating at times, but it can also be very rewarding,” Chris added. “Like any other field, you get out of it what you put into it. Never stop learning and always be open and on the lookout for stretch opportunities. Stretch opportunities provide the most potential for professional and personal growth. Even if you don’t get the results you hoped for, learn from the experience and keep moving forward.”

Some of her stretch opportunities have included passing the Certified Paralegal Exam – which she credits as her most significant professional accomplishment – and participating in the NALA LEAP program.

When Chris is not busy advancing her impressive career, she enjoys watching movies and reading. One of her favorites is Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling. She claims unequivocally she would “never pass up a chance to visit Universal Studios and the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.”

When asked who she would like to meet – in the past or present – she replied, “I can think of a dozen strong women that I would like to meet, but I would choose to meet Michelle Obama. I really enjoyed her book, Becoming, and think she is an amazing, inspirational person. I admire her values and the way she conducts herself.”

Chris has been a member of NALA for 11 years and is proud of her years of service to her local affiliate, the South Dakota Paralegal Association, of which she is a Past President.