NALA Engagement


NALA members are the very foundation of our organization. We are member-led and member driven, so it is not just a cliché when we say we could not do it without YOU!

NALA’s continued growth is a testament to our members and their commitment to ensuring that NALA remains THE premier professional organization for paralegals. Our success is a direct result of the dedication, participation, and enthusiasm of our members.


NALA is a member organization, which means that your individual voice matters. Your knowledge and expertise matter. Member engagement and involvement is key to ensuring we highlight the best and brightest in our profession. So, what are you waiting for? Opportunity knocks and here is your chance to answer!

Ways that you can engage:

Facts & Findings

You can find out more about submitting an article for Facts & Findings under Editorial & Article Submissions here.


Our NALA members offer a wealth of information and expertise. That knowledge can be put to good use while helping to educate other members.

  • Conferences – See more information about speaking at our conferences here.
  • Webinars – Information and form to give a webinar here.

Engage in Commons

Our members are our greatest asset, and NALA Commons offers you the chance to learn from and connect with other professionals in our exciting field. NALA is on a mission to continuously provide the latest information, tools, and resources to ensure you stay current on matters that affect your profession.

Click here or in the header to engage in NALA Commons.


Are you interested in serving on one of the numerous committees that keeps NALA running like a well-oiled machine?

Click here to submit your volunteer interest.

Coming Soon!

More engagement opportunities in the following areas are coming soon:

  • Content library and or article bank
  • SME content
  • Real life stories about your work in the proverbial “trenches” of this profession
  • Tricks of the trade – What lessons have you learned along the way
  • Townhall Zoom
  • Events
  • Pitch an idea to us. We are always looking for fresh and interesting content related to our field

Your investment in NALA is the key to our success!