July 2024 AA Connection Director’s Message

2023-2024 | Year in Review

Hello affiliates! What an amazing time of learning and fun we had at the 2024 NALA Conference & Expo in Louisville, Kentucky! Added attractions were, of course, Hank the Horse from For Hank’s Sake, NALA’s Charity of the Year, and an impressive Affiliate Showcase hosting you, our affiliates and attendees, sporting your beautiful Derby hats! Closing out conference was the early morning Sunday add-on training session, Growing and Strengthening Your NALA Affiliated Association. Thank you all for making conference fantabulous!

As this year’s term has ended, it is a pleasure to reflect, celebrate, and share with you highlights of your Affiliated Associations Team at work. What a great, productive, and rewarding year it was!




– The year began with the Affiliated Associations Annual Meeting at the 2023 conference in Boston, MA. The newly elected Affiliated Associations Director (AAD) and Secretary (AAS) were Richard “Rich” Hahn and I.

– Completed and submitted revisions for the NALA Liaison Guidebook

– First informal introductory AA Team meeting was held

– AAD reviewed Board of Directors policies, bylaws, and orientation documents in preparation for orientation and Board meetings

– AAD was appointed to serve on Student of the Year Award Committee, Certified Paralegal Champion Award Committee, and NALA Affiliated Associations Pinnacle Award Committee (Chair)

– Meetings continued from prior term regarding discussions of revising and required language for Affiliated Associations Agreement


– AA Team held its first team meeting for the new term

– AA Team facilitated/conducted first open forum Town Hall

– AAD and AAS selected for NALA’s inaugural eight-month Leadership Exploration and Development (LEAD) Program.


– AA Team facilitated/conducted Town Hall meeting, Central Oklahoma Association of Legal Assistants (COALA) presented Community Outreach: Why It’s Important

– AAD participated in reviews/discussions for selection of 2023 Certified Paralegal Champion Award recipient


– AA Team contacted by the Continuing Education Council, seeking volunteer instructors from affiliates to participate in a project regarding mini Certified Paralegal Exam videos

– Volusia County Paralegal Association submitted membership application to begin process of becoming an affiliated association

– Affiliate visit: AAD was a guest speaker at Houston Paralegal Association’s Paralegal Day Celebration & Luncheon


– AAD attended and participated in Board of Directors meeting held in Houston. AAD was thrilled to welcome the Board to her town. Houston affiliated associations welcomed the Board with Southern hospitality.

– Affiliated Associations section assigned/appointed three Task Forces:

– Affiliated Associations Agreement Task Force (four members)

– Affiliated Associations Standing Committee Task Force (three members)

– Affiliated Associations Affiliates Task Force (five members)

– AAS shared with AA Team his thoughts on affiliate-to-affiliate mentoring program


– Affiliated Association Team enjoyed the Christmas holiday off




– Received/reviewed affiliates’ annual reports; created spreadsheet to track various data

– Board of Directors voted to accept Volusia County Paralegal Association as an affiliated association


– Guest speakers for Town Hall:

– Maureen C. Washington, ACP, CAS, CEDS, with NALA’s Professional Development Committee regarding National Paralegal Day

– Shelley Cadamy with Cadamy Business Consulting regarding the Sunday add-on training, Growing and Strengthening Your NALA Affiliated Association, for conference

– Affiliated Associations Agreement Task Force continue meetings for reviewing/discussing language and initial draft of agreement


– Town Hall presentation by Nebraska Paralegal Association (NePA) on Unpacking Cultural Competency for Impactful Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Seminars

– AAD participated in discussions and reviewed nomination submissions for the 2024 Student of the Year Award

– Affiliate visit: Montana Association of Legal Assistants Annual Meeting & CLE


– AAD and AAS completed LEAD class, becoming inaugural graduates

– NALA Affiliated Associations Pinnacle Award Committee reviewed and had discussions regarding selection of award recipient


– Affiliate visits: Legal Assistants/Paralegals of Southern West Virginia’s 20th Annual Meeting & Seminar, St. Louis Paralegal Association’s Annual Paralegal Day, and San Francisco Paralegal Association


– Town Hall (rescheduled from May) special guest speakers were Claire Smith (attendee of 32 conferences) and the NALA Ambassadors and Hospitality Team, topic “Everything Conference”

– Affiliated Associations Agreement voted on and approved by NALA Board of Directors; reviewed by NALA attorneys

– AA Team met to review and discuss selection of the NALA Affiliated Association of the Year


– Rocky Mountain Paralegal Association from Denver, CO, submitted membership application for affiliation; voted and approved at last Board of Directors meeting for the term; presented as an affiliated association at conference; the first association to join under the new Affiliated Association Agreement

– AA Team attended conference and hosted a meet and mingle at the Louisville Bats ballgame with over 100 conference attendees

– AA Team facilitated/conducted the Affiliated Associations Annual Meeting and Showcase; AA Team presented NALA Affiliated Associations Pinnacle Award, NALA Affiliated Association of the Year Award, and Affiliate Awards; results of election for 2024-2025 Affiliated Associations Director and Secretary were announced; Affiliate Exchange presented by the San Francisco Paralegal Association and the Los Angeles Paralegal Association on the Benefits of Collaboration

– AAD and AAS hosted a roundtable at conference; association attendees were from the Kansas City Paralegal Association, Missouri City Paralegal Association, and Tennessee Paralegal Association; participants from Arkansas, Ohio, and Pennsylvania were interested in starting an association in their area

– AAD and AAS attended the Sunday add-on, Growing and Strengthening Your NALA Affiliated Association, geared specifically toward affiliated associations; an amazing and informative training, the consensus from affiliate leadership (presidents & liaisons) was that the training was on target


As you see from the review, your AA Team is hard at work on your behalf. We also read newsletters from affiliates, prepare messages for Facts & Findings and Affiliate Connections, prepare for conference, and do a host of other tasks that did not make the review. Thank you all for an amazing year and allowing the AA Team to work alongside you and serve you. This team is better because of you, our NALA Affiliated Associations! You all are greatly admired for being dynamic, compassionate, and resilient. It really was a captivating year with you! Keep shining!

The AA Team thanks our Immediate Past Secretary, Rich Hahn, for his service and being a part of the AA Team and wishes him the best in his future endeavors. Congratulations to the 2024-2025 NALA Board of Directors and the 2024-2025 Affiliated Associations Secretary, Melissa J. Klimpel, ACP.

I hope to see you next year at conference as NALA celebrates its 50th anniversary in Atlantic City, NJ!