Bobby Rimas, MLS, MAEd is an Associate Professor at Cal State Los Angeles, Legal Studies Adjunct Faculty Member at the University of La Verne, Adjunct Instructor at West Los Angeles College and a paralegal for a complex litigation law firm. He was President of the Los Angeles Paralegal Association, President/Chair of the UCLA Pilipino Alumni Association, and served on NALA’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Committee. He is the Vice President of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion for the Stonewall Democratic Club and a Board Member of the UCLA Lambda LGBTQ+ Alumni Association. He is also Commissioner for the City of Palm Springs Human Rights Commission where he also serves as the Commission's Equity and Social Justice Liaison. He has a bachelor’s degree, a paralegal certificate, a Master of Legal Studies degree, and a Master of Arts in Education with a concentration in Diversity, Equity & Social Justice in Education. Bobby can be reached at