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ODW2203 – Ethical Use of Social Media by Legal Professionals
Course Category: On-Demand Webinars
Course Level: Basic
CLE Credit: Legal Ethics
CLE Hours: 1.0
Fees: $49 for Members and $70 for Nonmembers
Description: Social media is everywhere. Many law firms, legal departments, and lawyers use social media to advertise services to attract new clients, network with other legal professionals, and share compelling legal updates with both clients and perspective clients. While there is no question social media provides an excellent way for legal professionals to connect with clients, other legal professionals, and the public, it is important, however, to know what the potential ethical pitfalls are before posting or responding to social media content.
- Sharing content in jurisdictions where the supervising lawyer is not licensed to practice law.
- Engaging in impermissible person-to-person solicitation and legal advertising.
- Failing to take appropriate steps to preserve, to collect, and to disclose social media evidence in the litigation context.
- Failing to keep client data confidential.
Presenter Biography: Lisa Lang is an in-house lawyer and thought leader who is passionate about all things in-house. She has recently launched a website and blog Why This, Not That™ (www.lawyerlisalang) to serve as a resource for in-house lawyers. You can email her at, connect with her on LinkedIn (, or follow her on Twitter (@lang_lawyer).
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Courses are priced for individual use and consumption and are not intended for rebroadcast and sharing.