Affiliate Exchange Program Call for Proposals

How it Works

NALA Affiliated Associations wishing to participate are asked to submit an abstract of the presentation by December 31st of the year prior to the conference. The associations must also designate one or more members to make the presentation. The abstract will be considered by an Affiliate Exchange Review Committee and selected based on the following criteria:

  • Overall quality of topic – timely, fresh and innovative
  • Appeal to a wide audience, ideas that can be implemented by any association
  • A well-defined focus
  • Results oriented material to be used to advance the growth and success of the association

The presentations will occur at the Annual Meeting of NALA Affiliated Associations in July.

Please be aware all Conference sessions are recorded, and presenters will be asked to sign an agreement to allow recording of their session(s). The Affiliate Exchange is a benefit for NALA Affiliated Associations and would be distributed only to affiliate representatives.

Possible Topics

What is your success area? Examples of possible topics for the Affiliate Exchange presentations include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Successful fund-raising campaigns
  2. Newsletters – development and design
  3. How to organize a seminar
  4. Membership growth programs
  5. Membership involvement and recognition programs
  6. Bar affiliation
  7. Leadership development

Topics to be selected for the Affiliate Exchange Program are those related to the programs of NALA Affiliated Associations or related to the organization and growth of these associations.

Benefits of Participation

By participating in the Affiliate Exchange Program your association will be a part of a program designed to help other associations serve their members, thus making for a much stronger professional environment for paralegals. Your association will also:

  • assist and encourage fellow affiliated associations
  • further refine its organizational materials
  • increase its visibility nationally
  • become more involved and encourage fellow affiliated associations to become more involved in NALA


How to Apply

Interested associations are invited to submit the below Affiliate Exchange Application Form that will be asked the following information:

  1. Title of presentation
  2. Format of presentation (i.e., panel presentation, group discussion, lecture)
  3. Learning objectives. Include at least three answers to this statement: “By the end of this session, affiliates will . . .”
  4. A description of the concept to be presented and its relevance to affiliated associations’ programs
  5. Examples of how the concept has been implemented in your association and the results
  6. Intended audience. Is the presentation for: those affiliated associations with over a certain number of members . . . for long established associations or those just starting . . . or for those affiliates with or without regions/chapters?
  7. Description of the speakers, including previous speaking engagements and experience with the topic. The application should also include speaker biographical information and photos to be used in the annual meeting brochure and on the NALA web site if the application is selected.


Presenters must be active members of a NALA Affiliated Association.

Handout material. Written material to accompany the presentation is required. The handout material should not exceed 25 pages and must be received by NALA Headquarters no later than May 1 prior to the conference in July. NALA will be responsible for reproducing and distributing the handout material.

Expenses. Affiliated Exchange presenters do not receive any compensation or honorarium for their participation in this program.

Deadlines. The Affiliate Exchange Application Form must be received by NALA Headquarters no later than December 31 to be considered for the next conference. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by March 1st prior to the conference in July.

Affiliate Exchange Application Form
