September Volunteer Spotlight – Peonca S. Grier, CP

NALA Volunteer Spotlight – September 2024
Peonca S. Grier, CP

Peonca Grier, CP, is a Senior Paralegal, Florida Registered Paralegal, and SHRM Certified Professional. She currently serves as Vice President of NALA, a position she was elected to after years of dedication to the organization. Her deep desire to give back to the legal community shines through in her professional and volunteer commitments.

“As Vice President, I hope to work on demonstrating the value of paralegals to attorneys, so they can see how to utilize paralegals’ skills properly,” she avowed.

Peonca’s impressive credentials are a testament to her personal commitment to professional growth. She holds an associate’s in paralegal studies, a bachelor’s in legal studies, and a master’s in human resources/management. She lends her talents and expertise to three professional positions. She works as a Senior Paralegal at Dean, Ringers, Morgan & Lawton P.A. and as a travel advisor with Turtle-y Awesome Travel, LLC. She also works alongside her husband as Human Resources Director for CorpX Event Specialists.

Her journey with NALA began when she became a member and quickly realized the endless possibilities that a paralegal career offers. From lifelong friends to influential mentors, the members of NALA have had a profound impact on Peonca’s personal and professional life.

“I have met some of the most amazing humans,” she declared.

For her, volunteering became a way to give back to an organization that had given her so much. Over the years, she has held several roles in NALA, including Credentials Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer, all of which have prepared her for her current role as Vice President.

“I ran for my current position because I wanted to continue my work with the Board and provide my thoughts and insights on propelling NALA into the future,” she revealed. “By volunteering with NALA, I have the privilege of serving great individuals.”

One of Peonca’s proudest achievements with NALA is her involvement with the affiliated associations. Having served two terms each as Affiliated Associations Director and Secretary, she has a special place in her heart for NALA’s affiliates. She has worked to increase transparency and provide training to help them grow.

She also played a pivotal role in NALA’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives, aiding in the passage of a bylaw amendment that added the DEI Chair to the Board of Directors, positioning DEI as a permanent priority for NALA.

Her favorite part about volunteering with NALA is the people.

“We are a diverse, member-driven organization,” she shared. “I love that the members are vocal and active and want to empower each other.”

Peonca has a deep appreciation for how NALA thinks about what is best for its members and the legal ecosystem in which they work and thrive.

“I love NALA’s educational offerings. I love going to the annual conference and networking with new, old, and prospective members. I love the camaraderie we have with one another.”

Her advice for NALA members is to get all they can out of their membership.

“Listen to and learn from those who have come before you,” she advised.

Outside of work, Peonca enjoys bowling, reading, drinking wine, traveling, and spending time with her husband, family, and friends. She is also an avid comedy fan who loves to watch live comedy shows. She has been known to travel out of state for a good concert, and she looks forward to traveling more internationally to explore other cultures.

“I am the friend who posts pictures of their food,” she admitted. “I think that a good food recommendation is one of my love languages.”

Peonca has had numerous role models in her life, but her biggest one is her granny, who taught her how to be an authentic and caring lady and encouraged her to learn as much as possible. She has met many other role models through NALA.

“Many of the past presidents of NALA, leaders of my local affiliate, and members I have met over the years have played a role in my growth,” she affirmed.

For Peonca, life is about growth, connection, and making a difference. Her journey with NALA is a shining example of how dedication, passion, and a commitment to service can drive both individual and organizational success.

She is inspired by Anthony Bourdain’s quote: “Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. It hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you.”