October 2024 Affiliated Association Secretary Message


Hello Affiliates! 

My name is Melissa Klimpel, and I am your new NALA Affiliated Associations Secretary. I am very excited about this position and want to thank you for this incredible opportunity to serve you and your association. I am delighted to work alongside a dedicated group of individuals. 

I have been in your shoes, serving the Western Dakota Association of Legal Assistants (WDALA) as NALA Liaison for three years and President for four years. Becoming a member of WDALA led me to getting involved with NALA and opened up many great opportunities for me to serve others. I have truly enjoyed it! 

I hope you were able to attend the add-on session for NALA Affiliated Associations at the NALA conference in July. Growing and Strengthening Your NALA Affiliated Association was led by Shelley Cadamy, who is very well-versed in empowering boards, having worked with the NALA Board of Directors and many affiliate boards. I heard great things about the presentation. The positive feedback reflects a shared enthusiasm for the valuable insights that were gained, leaving attendees feeling inspired and equipped to implement new ideas within their association. 

NALA Affiliated Associations can greatly benefit from these types of presentations, including NALA’s Town Halls and Affiliate Presentations, as they provide effective strategies and offer a wealth of information. The knowledge attendees gain from such presentations empowers associations to implement effective strategies that drive growth and enhance their overall impact. Associations can also significantly enhance the benefits offered to their members. I hope you join us at the next Town Hall or special Affiliate Presentatio. 

Leaders of NALA Affiliated Associations face unique challenges as they strive to grow and strengthen their associations. As you continue working in and on your associations, know that NALA is here to help. Thank you again, and I am very excited to work with all of you! 

Melissa M. Klimpel, ACP 
NALA Affiliated Associations Secretary