NALA Talks DEI Microlearning Episode 2: Social Justice with Lizzy Sailor and Sarah Steeley

Please join the NALA DEI Committee and its guests as they discuss the work of paralegals in the realm of social justice. You will hear from Lizzy Sailor, Paralegal and Licensed Private Investigator at Chartier & Nyamfukudza in Michigan, and Sarah Steeley, Senior Paralegal at Maxwell Tillman in Alabama. Both guests share their experiences with getting into the legal field of post-conviction work, what motivates them, the role of groups like Innocence Clinics, and how others can get involved.


National Registry of Exonerations

University of Michigan Innocence Clinic

Western Michigan University Cooley Law School Innocence Clinic

Chartier & Nyamfukudza website (read about the work they do and some of their case results)