June Volunteer Spotlight – Deana Lively, ACP, CKP, MJA

NALA Volunteer Spotlight – June 2024
Deana Lively, ACP, CKP, MJA

Deana Lively, ACP, CKP, MJA, is a dedicated member of NALA’s Ambassador & Hospitality Team for the 2024 NALA Conference & Expo. Beyond NALA, she is the President of the Louisville Association of Paralegals and the Vice President of the Kentucky Paralegal Association. She is also a member of the Louisville Bar Association CLE Committee. Deana is a Paralegal Manager at DBL Law, PSC, in Louisville, Kentucky. Through these roles, she actively contributes to the growth and development of paralegals, ensuring they have the resources and support needed to excel in their careers.

Her academic achievements and certifications highlight her commitment to continuous learning and professional development. Deana has a Master of Science in Justice Administration. She became a NALA Certified Paralegal (CP®) in 2023 and received her Advanced Certified Paralegal (ACP®) credential in Trial Practice in early 2024. She is also a Certified Kentucky Paralegal (CKP). Her success is a testament to her dedication and thorough preparation.

Deana’s decision to volunteer for NALA stems from her admiration for the organization’s support for paralegals. She chose to join the Ambassador & Hospitality Team because the 2024 NALA Conference & Expo will be held in her hometown of Louisville.

“I felt that I could provide valuable insight to attendees who may not have visited Louisville before,” she explained.

The purpose of the Ambassador & Hospitality Team is to promote the NALA conference.  Members of the team use their experiences from attending past conferences to offer tips to attendees on registration, traveling, and networking. They also answer questions from those who are unsure about attending. Additionally, the team provides information on what to expect from the conference and suggestions for activities in the area.

Deana enjoys volunteering alongside an amazing network of supportive and collaborative paralegals who do not hesitate to immediately welcome people to their group.

“NALA is unique in that you are never a stranger to anyone for very long.”

Looking ahead, Deana hopes to expand her volunteer experience with NALA and aspires to become an area director. Her drive to serve and lead was enhanced by her time in NALA’s Leadership Exploration and Development (LEAD) Program.

“My experience going through the LEAD Program was amazing. I learned so much about myself and my leadership style, which certainly helped me land a recent promotion as paralegal manager.”

She especially enjoyed building networking relationships through the program by connecting with paralegals from all over the country who continue to inspire her in her leadership journey.

Another networking opportunity that Deana loves is the NALA conference. In fact, networking is her favorite part of attending.

“I love meeting paralegals from all over the country and swapping stories about our paralegal experiences. I also love the sense of community the NALA conference brings with it. Everyone is so friendly.”

Her advice to anyone considering attending the conference is simple: “Go for it. It is a wonderful experience, and you will not be disappointed!”

Deana has been a NALA member since 2022. She loves the vast continuing legal education (CLE) opportunities NALA offers, available in various formats and covering countless legal areas. She appreciates how NALA engages with its members through Facts & Findings and encourages member participation in volunteer activities.

When she is not working or volunteering, Deana enjoys reading, baking, and spending quality time with her husband, their two sons, and their dachshund, Leia. Deana and her husband were high school sweethearts, and they have been married for 26 years.

Her favorite quote comes from Walt Disney and captures her approach to life: “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”