Come learn valuable insights into understanding and bridging generational gaps, with a focus on empathy as the key. Discover strategies for creating a harmonious multigenerational work environment.
A well-optimized LinkedIn profile is your secret weapon. Discover the art of crafting a compelling LinkedIn profile, cultivating a professional network, and effectively showcasing your skills. Elevate your legal career with the power of LinkedIn.
Discover how paralegals and investigators working together on criminal defense cases can provide the best results for clients. Hear from both a paralegal and an investigator as they draw from their personal experiences.
This CP Skills Exam course helps provide the confidence to go into the exam room feeling prepared. Knowing what to expect and how to use a step-by-step approach to tackle the essay question will help to lessen test anxiety and improve outcomes.
This course discusses the ethics and law at play when a legal professional has a friendly, familial, romantic, or sexual relationship with a client, co-worker, subordinate, supervisor, judge, or opposing counsel.
Participants will learn how to better assist attorneys during complicated appeals of allegations in criminal law, elder law, fraud, misrepresentation, and elder abuse.
This session will cover best practices for avoiding ethical violations and UPL and protecting yourself (and your attorney) from violations of the protective order.