CP Practice Exam
Test bank of questions for the CP® Exam with feedback on answers.
Leadership Basics
After you’ve completed this course, you’ll be able to identify key characteristics of leaders. You’ll know how to build trust and confidence with employees, and you’ll avoid behaviors that undermine leadership.
Adapting Your Leadership Styles
In this course, you will assess your personal leadership style and learn to adapt your preferred style to each individual employee for multiple levels of communication, including motivation and feedback.
Assertiveness Skills
Assertiveness Skills provides the skill development, practice, and understanding individuals need to learn how to be truly assertive.
Balancing Priorities
This course will help to improve their productivity and performance through better goal setting, task delegation, organization, and an efficient use of technology.
Business Etiquette
This course provides guidelines for common business etiquette, how to show respect for yourself and others, how to establish positive connections with anyone, and how to choose polite and positive responses to rude behavior.
Coaching for Development
Coaching for Development is designed to help managers, supervisors, and leaders alike encourage individual performance to increase engagement and productivity rather than to use the traditional “command and control” method.
Creative Problem Solving
Creative Problem Solving is a course in which participants will learn how to integrate creativity with analytic thinking for effective problem solving, and to develop critical thinking skills.
Critical Thinking Skills
Critical Thinking Skills is a training solution that provides individuals with tips, techniques, and thought exercises that help to develop critical thinking skills.
Effective Listening Skills
Using a five-step process, individuals learn how to eliminate barriers to good listening, improve communication skills, maximize productivity, and build interpersonal relationships.
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