Business people



  You know what they say: The more things change, the more things stay the same. As the U.S. recovers from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, positions are open, and applicants are looking for work, while employers devote less time to the hiring process. You will have an advantage if you make application materials […]

09 May 2022
Paralegal Pathways
Category: Uncategorized

Death by the billable hour. Is there life outside of the law firm? Career veterans who have spent a decade or more supporting lawyers have pondered thoughts such as these. Many times, we reflect back on our paralegal careers and wonder, is there more to our future? We second guess ourselves, thinking that there’s nothing […]

03 May 2022
Abuse of Special Needs Children
Category: Facts & Findings

Children with disabilities are nearly four times more likely to be physically abused or neglected and more than three times more likely to be sexually abused when compared to children without disabilities. [1] The odds of abuse are increased when an individual with special needs is placed in a group home or other communal environment. […]


Over 41% of the world population is interconnected through the internet¹ and in 2020, more than 223 million Americans were using social networks – with that number forecasted to increase to 243 million by the year 2025.² Now, more than ever, it is important to proactively manage our online presence. To that end, I have […]


Professional networking is a key component of a successful career, especially for paralegals. The earlier students understand networking, the better off they will be preparing for their futures. This article breaks down legal professional networking for students into four categories: what, who, why, and how. WHAT What is networking? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, networking […]


The COVID-19 pandemic demands changes in how all things are managed and performed. It seems as though one can see changes reflected in almost every industry from “normal” to a “new normal.” In response to pandemic demands, drones continue to be in the news. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reported nearly 1.6 million commercial and recreational registered drones as of March 2020. ( by_the_numbers/) Paralegals can expect the legal industry […]