Business people


09 Jun 2022
Juneteenth and Pride Month
Category: DEI

We Are All Included Written by Adrienne D. Berry, ACP June 2022 In June, diversity, equity, and inclusion take a step to the front with the celebrations of Juneteenth and Pride Month! These events seem to unofficially set the stage for showcasing the differences in everyone while highlighting what makes us all the same. Juneteenth […]

09 May 2022
Mental Health Awareness Month
Category: DEI

Mental Health Awareness Month Written by Adrienne D. Berry, CP May 2022 Mental health awareness is a very relevant conversation in today’s society. Once thought to be taboo to discuss openly, it is now a factor in daily conversation. One must wonder if the stressors people faced during the pandemic forced it to be pushed […]

“Diversity of Thought” Hinders Belonging Written by Curt Harris “Bias puts people in this impossible position of either saying nothing and being trampled, or saying something and being seen as a whining, complaining person, a prima donna.” Clara Ferreira Marques in How Should Companies Fight Bias?[1] “I felt myself slip in and out of shadow, […]

National Deaf History Month: Deaf Awareness in the Legal Community Written by Sarah Duggan, CP, and Samantha Burns April 2022 April is National Deaf History Month, a unique opportunity to highlight the importance of inclusivity and equal accessibility for those who are deaf, hard of hearing, or experiencing hearing loss within our local communities. In […]

07 Mar 2022
Irish Eyes are Smiling in America
Category: DEI

Irish Eyes are Smiling in America Written by Adrienne D. Berry, CP March 2022 March is Irish American Heritage Month. Irish American Heritage Month was first recognized by Congress in 1991. Like other heritage months, it was established to celebrate and honor Irish Americans and their contributions to America’s culture. It was recognized in March […]

15 Feb 2022
February DEI: Black History Month
Category: NALA News

Black History Month Written by Yolanda A. Garcia, CP, PLS, TBLS-BCP February DEI Every February people across the United States celebrate Black History Month. It is a special time to reflect on more than 400 years of African American heritage and how it has shaped both the country and the world. While many people are […]