Call for Webinar Presentation Proposals

You have the opportunity to submit a proposal(s) to present a webinar for NALA.

"*" indicates required fields

Thank you for your interest in presenting a webinar for NALA. One of our missions is to provide quality education to paralegals. As a part of that initiative, you have been recommended to present a webinar for our organization. Webinars are live with participants from our members, affiliates, and non-members. Each webinar is recorded and converted to an on-demand webinar to expand our efforts to provide quality education. Here are the basics you should know to assist you in our process to engage you as a speaker.
Webinar Information
Presentation Length – You can choose a presentation length of 60 minutes, 90 minutes, or 120 minutes.
Presentation Platform – GoToWebinar, present from your computer. Preferably using your webcam but this isn’t required.
Presentation & Handouts – PowerPoint presentation during the webinar, converted to PDF handouts for attendees. A template will be provided for you. Additional handouts can be used as well. All handouts should be sent to NALA at least a week prior to webinar to convert and upload to presentation platform.
Practice Session – First-time speakers will have a 30-minute practice session reserved no later than a week prior to webinar to test audio/video, presenter screen and review webinar agenda.
Honorarium – NALA offers a modest honorarium to compensate you for your time.
1. Submit the attached form.
2. A NALA Representative will contact you to review details and answer any questions.
3. Once a date is set an Agreement and Webinar Packet are sent to you.
4. Practice Session.
5. Webinar.
6. Honorarium paid.
About You*
Please provide a biography
Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 3 GB.
Please provide a headshot to be used for marketing purposes.
Please list any relevant past speaking engagements.
List the month(s)/time frame if you have a preference on when you would like to present.
Webinar Title. Please limit to 35 characters.
Audience experience level for webinar
Description should be no more than 100 words, including the learning objectives. Summary of the content will give proposal evaluators an accurate depiction of what will be covered in your session. If your proposal is accepted, this is the text that will be used in for marketing purposes.
Please include any additional information you would like the planning team to know.
Reference #1

Reference #2