ODW2405 – An Innovative Exploration of Legal Ethics
Do you want to enhance your understanding of legal ethics? Examine real-world case studies to refine your ethical decision-making skills.
ODW2408 – What to do When Your Mergers and Acquisitions Involve Healthcare
Discover how to determine if your merger and acquisition is unknowingly participating in healthcare and explore how that may affect your organization.
ODW2411 – Implied Bias
Implied bias occurs automatically and unintentionally. It affects our judgment, decisions, and behaviors. Explore implied bias and how to change your attitude through this interactive learning opportunity.
ODW2417 – Ethical Billing Considerations for Paralegals
Discover strategies for billing your time to avoid it being reduced or written off. Review cases related to paralegal fees and relevant NALA Code of Ethics and American Bar Association Model Rules of Professional Conduct.
ODW2421 – Designating the Record on Appeal and the Appellant’s Appendix
This course will explore how to designate the record on appeal and prepare an appendix in the state of California.
ODW2422 – Legal Insights into Neonatal Intensive Care
Discover the complexities of NICU environments and essential neonatal resuscitation practices. Gain insights into parental rights and the legal frameworks that govern neonatal healthcare.
ODWCPSKILLEXREV – Preparing for the CP Skills Exam Using the IRAC Method
This CP Skills Exam course helps provide the confidence to go into the exam room feeling prepared. Knowing what to expect and how to use a step-by-step approach to tackle the essay question will help to lessen test anxiety and improve outcomes.
ODW23C13 – Assisting at Trial
This course will help you set yourself up for a seamless trial from the beginning, including how to prepare for trial and assist in one at the counsel table.
ODW23C27 – Ethical Considerations in Criminal Law Cases
This session will cover best practices for avoiding ethical violations and UPL and protecting yourself (and your attorney) from violations of the protective order.
ODW23C28 – Information Governance, Data Privacy, and In-House Compliance
In this session, Carl will help you understand the challenges around maintaining this Gordian Knot of data, creating a successful information governance program, and understanding what laws can affect that data.