Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is recognizing your emotional triggers and knowing when and how to use them in a way that enables you to not only deal with these stressors objectively, but to also develop strong connections with your co-workers.
Ethics in the Workplace (Not Legal Ethics)
In this course, you will assess your personal leadership style and learn to adapt your preferred style to each individual employee for multiple levels of communication, including motivation and feedback.
How to Make Yourself Indispensable
Indispensable employees are always indispensable, no matter where they go or what they do. That’s because it’s more about attitude than skill set.
The Art of Effective Communication
This course will provide methods for analyzing and improving your own communication and help you help others.
The Art of Influencing Others
This highly interactive workshop lays the foundation for more effective communication, a necessary skill for having a powerful impact in any situation.
Time Management
In this program you will learn how to increase your personal effectiveness by using management techniques, learn ways to overcome procrastination and find out a variety of methods to living a balanced life.
Personal Leadership Bundle
NALA believes it is important for paralegals to focus on their personal development. This new program will provide paralegals with the opportunity to learn, grow, and develop their personal leadership skills.
Resolving Workplace Conflict
Let's face it. Conflict isn't going to become obsolete anytime soon. But individuals can learn how to handle it maturely and collaboratively with insight, knowledge, and the proper skills.
CP Practice Exam Preview
Sample of the test bank of questions with feedback on answers from the actual course.
Financial Intelligence
By learning how to read and interpret a few basic financial instruments, you can recognize opportunities to increase revenue and shave expenses, thus increasing your value to the organization.