Discover how paralegals and investigators working together on criminal defense cases can provide the best results for clients. Hear from both a paralegal and an investigator as they draw from their personal experiences.
This CP Skills Exam course helps provide the confidence to go into the exam room feeling prepared. Knowing what to expect and how to use a step-by-step approach to tackle the essay question will help to lessen test anxiety and improve outcomes.
Participants will learn how to better assist attorneys during complicated appeals of allegations in criminal law, elder law, fraud, misrepresentation, and elder abuse.
In this session, Carl will help you understand the challenges around maintaining this Gordian Knot of data, creating a successful information governance program, and understanding what laws can affect that data.
This session will explore Fourth Amendment standards governing police uses of force as interpreted by the court in Tennessee v. Garner (1985) and Graham v. Connor (1989) and federal statutes that prohibit the unnecessary or excessive use of force.
Additionally, the attendees will be introduced to the Supreme Court cases that led to the Roe v. Wade decision and how the right to privacy played a key role in the Supreme Court's ruling.
In this session, viewers will become more effective in helping prepare for litigation and have a better understanding of what information can make it to the jury.
Attendees will learn the motives behind family members suing each other and how to successfully bring and defend a guardianship or trustee action for the client's best outcome.
Every day, smart assistants like Siri and Alexa respond to routine requests. Can the government compel disclosure of a user’s data in their smart devices? If so, under what circumstances?