Study Materials

Study Materials

DISCLAIMER:  The NALA CP® Exam creators do not develop or deliver any CP® Exam study materials. Producers of study materials do not have access to actual CP® Exam content. Use of any suggested study materials does not guarantee success on the CP® Exam.

While NALA does provide various study materials for the exam, you are not required to purchase any of NALA’s materials in order to take the Exam. There are a variety of resources available to examinees by NALA and other authors. 

The Certified Paralegal Examination is a comprehensive assessment based on federal law and procedure. Before planning your preparation for the Certified Paralegal Exam, be sure to review the detailed description of the sections of the Certified Paralegal Examination.


NALA is your source for continuing legal education courses. We offer a variety of courses that cover the topic areas included on the Certified Paralegal Exam. Click here to review the CP® Exam Specifications:

NALA Conferences

Every year NALA hosts a 3-day educational conference that features leading experts in the legal field and 30+ sessions, including CP® Exam Review courses. This conference is a great way to earn CLE, elevate your education, and engage with other law professionals.


The Paralegal’s Companion: Fundamentals for Legal Practitioners and Those Preparing for the CP® Exam is available in the NALA Store and on Amazon. NALA members receive a discount in our store. We also suggest reviewing any additional books on federal law and procedure.

NALA Affiliated Associations

NALA Affiliated Associations are located throughout the United States. These state and local paralegal organizations are tremendous resources for paralegal activities in a specific region. NALA Affiliated Associations in multiple states offer exam review programs. Contact the association directly for confirmation and details of the review programs listed.


Another source of review programs for the Certified Paralegal Examination are classes offered through local community colleges. These are particularly helpful if you need to review a specific subject. The Certified Paralegal Exam is a nationwide exam; no state laws or procedures are tested.

IMPORTANT NOTE: NALA is not affiliated with any other study guide app except for the NALA CP App which can only be accessed with the purchase of the CP Practice Exam.