

Welcome to all NALA Affiliated Associations!Meet the 2024-2025 Team

Sharon D. Jones, ACP
Sharon D. Jones, ACP

Affiliated Associations Director

Melissa M. Klimpel, ACP
Melissa M. Klimpel, ACP

Affiliated Associations Secretary

The structure of NALA permits the affiliation of organizations whose objectives, aims, constitutions, and bylaws are in harmony with the objectives and aims of NALA. Through affiliating with NALA, state and local organizations receive the support and assistance of NALA in advancing the paralegal career within their geographic areas.

NALA Affiliated Associations are provided a voice in the management of NALA through their election of a member of the NALA Board of Directors. NALA Affiliated Associations are also offered a voice in developing policies and positions of NALA, not only through their representative on the NALA Board of Directors but through the annual meeting of NALA Affiliated Associations held during the national conference in July. NALA Affiliated Associations may present resolutions to the NALA membership for consideration during the annual membership meeting. Resolutions are adopted by the voting membership of NALA. Affiliates are represented in this body through their own NALA Liaison and any other members who may also be voting members of NALA.

NALA Affiliated Associations vote annually to select the Affiliated Associations Director and the Affiliated Associations Secretary. Learn about these elected leadership roles and the responsibilities involved for AA Director and AA Secretary.

Become a NALA Affiliated Association

  • Waiver of the $50 approval fee for sponsors requesting NALA CLE credit approval.
  • Waiver of the $50 approval fee to be listed in the CLE directory promoted on our website.
  • Publications and assistance with insight on organizational matters upon request – a leadership manual, guidelines on how to conduct seminars, bylaws and a description of this document. Affiliates are also entitled to receive a free consultation and support from NALA’s professional staff, representing many years of experience in association management.
  • Quarterly magazine published by NALA, Facts & Findings.
  • Special reports and insights, so that your association may inform and connect with members directly regarding any urgent or special actions having an immediate effect or requiring announcement.
  • Affiliate events at the NALA Annual Conference & Expo including Annual Meeting, Exchange, and Showcase. These events are opportunities for association representatives to meet, elect their board representative, and share ideas concerning association governance and more!
  • Members of NALA Affiliated Associations will receive 25% off the NALA Active membership cost.

Student paralegal associations may also become NALA Affiliated Associations. Student associations receive all of the benefits except voting privileges.

Materials and communications from NALA are furnished to NALA Affiliated Associations through their presidents and NALA Liaisons by email from These officers serve as the communication link between NALA and their association to maintain the membership.

     NALA Affiliated Association Dues

  • The flat rate is $250 per year to be a NALA Affiliated Association.
  • The Student NALA Affiliated Association rate is only $50 per year.

NALA Affiliated Association Membership Packet

  • Individual members of NALA Affiliated Associations are not required to become members of NALA, except the NALA Affiliated Association’s NALA Liaison. NALA believes membership in a national association is a choice best left to individual paralegals and legal professionals.
  • Affiliation with NALA does not jeopardize the unique programs and philosophies of the NALA Affiliated Association and its respective members.
  • During the July annual membership meeting at conference, time is dedicated to an annual meeting of NALA Affiliated Associations, providing an opportunity for those association leaders and members to share their experiences and programs, successes and difficulties. Solutions for association management are also discussed. These events and presentations have proven to provide value and support in a community of knowledgeable professionals.
  • NALA Affiliated Associations are provided with an opportunity at conference to set up exhibit tables displaying information on programs and activities offered through their associations at the Affiliate Showcase. More information is available each year when registration opens for the Annual NALA Conference & Expo.

If your association is interested in becoming a NALA Affiliated Association and would like additional information, please contact NALA at today!

Find Your Local NALA Affiliated Association

The NALA Affiliated Associations are listed below. Those with web sites include links to the sites.

New Jersey

Paralegal Association of New Jersey, Inc.

North Carolina

Metrolina Paralegal Association (Charlotte)

North Carolina Paralegal Association

North Dakota

Red River Valley Paralegal Association

Western Dakota Association of Legal Assistants


Paralegal Association of Northwest Ohio


Central Oklahoma Association of Legal Assistants

Oklahoma Paralegal Association


Lancaster Area Paralegal Association

Pittsburgh Paralegal Association 

South Carolina

Charleston Association of Legal Assistants

South Carolina Upstate Paralegal Association

South Dakota

South Dakota Paralegal Association


Greater Memphis Paralegal Alliance

Smoky Mountain Paralegal Association

Tennessee Paralegal Association


Capital Area Paralegal Association

El Paso Paralegal Association

Houston Metropolitan Paralegal Association

Houston Paralegal Association

Northeast Texas Association of Paralegals

San Antonio Paralegal Association

Texas Panhandle Paralegal Association

Tyler Area Association of Legal Professionals

West Texas Paralegal Association


Utah Paralegal Association


Central Virginia Association of Paralegals (Formerly Richmond Paralegal Association)

Commonwealth of Virginia Paralegal Association

Roanoke Valley Paralegal Association

Tidewater Paralegal Association

Virginia Peninsula Paralegal Association

West Virginia

Legal Assistants/Paralegals of Southern West Virginia


Madison Area Paralegal Association


LAW-The Wyoming Paralegal Association 

Affiliate offered CP Exam review programs

Since NALA Affiliated Associations are located throughout the United States, these state and local paralegal organizations are tremendous resources for paralegal activities in a specific region. NALA Affiliated Associations in multiple states offer exam review programs. Contact the association directly for confirmation and details of review programs listed.

If your association has a CP Exam review program that should be included on this list, please email with details of the State, Association Name, Website Link, and any other relevant information for course registration or reoccurrence.