Welcome to the National Paralegal Day Support Page!
It is official! August 6th is National Paralegal Day (NPD), now recognized in the Congressional Record. This achievement was made possible through a collaborative effort by the American Association for Paralegal Education (AAfPE), NALA – The Paralegal Association (NALA), National Association for Legal Support Professionals (NALS), and National Federation of Paralegal Associations (NFPA). Click the links below to learn more and sign our virtual letter of support for this important day, find resources, and enter our National Paralegal Day Logo Contest. Stay tuned as we ramp up support and activities for National Paralegal Day 2025!

Supporting Information & Congressional Record

Sign Our Virtual Letter of Support
Please sign our virtual letter of support to help us achieve formal recognition from the House of Representatives and the Senate.

NPD Logo Contest

Help Raise Awareness

Media Kit

Resources for Paralegal Employers & Paralegal Educators
If you have any questions or need more information, please contact us at nalanet@nala.org or give us a call at 918-587-6828.
Thank you for your support!