The Importance of Networking

According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of networking is the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions; specifically: the cultivation of productive relationships for employment or business.

That is what it is all about – cultivating relationships.

There are many advantages to networking:

Shared knowledge – connecting with paralegals is a key to increasing your knowledge and seeing other’s perspectives on matters. Also, networking allows you to meet paralegals with more experience from whom you can learn.

Opportunities – Whether it is a job offer, engagement to employ your firm to defend or bring a suit, or a request to use your products or services your company offers, it is important to network to take all those opportunities.

Connecting – you are not just gaining connections, you are connecting to those new connections which can open a new world of opportunity as a paralegal.

Confidence – If you are putting yourself out there connecting and networking with people or groups, you will gain more and more confidence in yourself. You will then come across as poised and self-assured. People like that.

Getting your profile noticed – Networking allows people to connect with you and this gets your profile noticed. This can help you raise your profile as a knowledgeable, reliable, and supportive paralegal.

As a paralegal, prepare a profile on LinkedIn and keep it up to date. Also, make a Facebook page, Instagram and Twitter account. Then start connecting with other legal professionals. These can include lawyers, judges, clerks of courts, and recruiters to name a few. Networking is an essential for the current day paralegal.

Get out there and network!