A fictional talk show explores paralegal ethics, tackling dilemmas like confidentiality, conflicts of interests, legal advice, misconduct, and billing.
This presentation covers securing obligations in hardship, creditor rights via attachment/perfection, and prioritizing liens and judgment holders' interests.
This presentation is designed to equip businesses and paralegals for international compliance. Explore key governance frameworks, regulatory updates, risk management tactics, and tech tools to streamline compliance tasks.
Discover how to understand the differing needs of purchasers, lenders, and investors with respect to real property; perform title and survey reviews; and present the results to counsel and clients.
Dive into trademark registration essentials with expert attorney Thomas James! Identify filing, specimen selection, office action responses, legal/ethical aspects, and Trademark Modernization Act procedures with a true subject matter expert!
Register now, for a dynamic webinar on Ethics and the Law. Explore ethical dilemmas in law outcomes, dissect key court cases, and delve into constitutional rights. Discuss hot topics like immigration and social justice.