ODW20C10 – Being Secure in an Insecure World
Everyone talks about protecting corporate data, but what about our personal data and protection? Is it all the same? Should we just accept that all our information is floating onthe dark web? A commonsense approach will go a long way for protect you.
ODW20C22 – Dementia and the Courts
By 2040, more than 14 million Americans will be 85 years old or older. As our population ages, courts are increasingly called on to appoint guardians when elderly persons can no longer manage their own affairs.
ODW20C27 – How to Write Like a Human
Gone are the days of "hereto" and "to wit." We need to write so people can easily understand our arguments. This session helps teach you how to do just that.
ODW20C29 – Interviewing Techniques: Dos and Don’ts
Attendees learn appropriate interviewing techniques as well as problem areas to avoid as they relate to labor and employment law - what you can and can't do/ask legally in an interview. Real world examples are used.
ODW20C30 – Introduction to Elder Law
This session provides an overview of elder law for those who are either interested in practicing in this area, or who have family members confronting these issues.
ODW20C35 – Skills of an Indispensable Paralegal
There are three kinds of crucial traits that paralegals need to have to be effective and help their lawyers. These traits are dependability, flexibility, and durability.
ODW20C38 – The High Cost of Small Mistakes
This presentation focuses on how small mistakes can cost a high price. For example, a misplaced period or comma can change everything.
ODW20C39 – The Legal Security Landscape
This session is an overview of the current threat landscape. It explains how hackers are gaining access to corporate (Legal) networks, identify risk factors, and discuss prevention and where the threats are originating from.
ODW2017 – Immigration Law
In this on-demand webinar, we discuss various immigration-related topics such as the H-1B employment-based immigration petition, travel bans, the EB-5 visa, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, Cancellation of Removal applications, and asylum.
ODW2022 – Social Media Ethics
Overview of growing societal trends of social media, along with a discussion of private versus public information, and how social media blurs the lines. Discover ways to capture web evidence correctly, the importance of defensibility.
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