ODW2349 – Transform Your Relationship With Time: Achieve More With Less Stress
In our life, we have too many things to do. In order to have enough time to handle it all, we must think about time differently. In this webinar, participants will discover more effective and less stressful ways to think about and use their time.
ODW2350 – Ethics of Online Notarization
Get answers to your legal questions about online notarization.
ODW2351 – ADA Compliance – Is Your Website Lawsuit Proof? (From Physical Space to Cyberspace)
This course aims to describe the importance of making your website compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act and offer resources to help you develop and maintain compliance through discussion of the Website Content Accessibility Guidelines.
ODW2352 – Becoming Trauma Informed in the Legal Profession
Most American adults had a traumatic childhood event, which can alter brain development and increase the prevalence of perceived threats at work. Understanding how trauma appears at work can help you develop more productive and effective interactions
ODW2365 – Ethics of Today’s Paralegal
Paralegals, it is important for you to understand your role and responsibilities so you can set boundaries. Use this course as a resource to better understand your responsibilities and how to uphold ethical standards.
ODW2366 – International Arbitration 101
Due to its substantial growth in the past 40 years, international arbitration has become an alternative to dispute resolution. The two main forms of international arbitration are commercial and investment arbitration.
ODW2370 – Difficult Clients: De-escalation Techniques
Explore how to manage challenging clients with emotional intelligence and communication skills. Discover how to navigate and de-escalate tough client interactions to create a more productive client relationship.
ODW2373 – Help! The Client Wants to File an Appeal
Come learn about the appellate process, including state-specific rules and the importance of organization and meeting deadlines.
ODW2374 – They Just Don’t Get It: Bridging Multigenerational Tug-of-War
Come learn valuable insights into understanding and bridging generational gaps, with a focus on empathy as the key. Discover strategies for creating a harmonious multigenerational work environment.
ODW2377 – Legal Tech Including Ethical Considerations
Learn how to upskill your career by embracing legal technology. Explore the benefits, risks, and ethical considerations.
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