Does your records retention schedule need an update? If it is still in paper format, it may be difficult to execute in an increasingly digital world. Discover how to create a modern, compliant, privacy-enabled, easily executable schedule.
This session is designed to guide professionals, specifically first-generation career workers, through five key strategies for standing out and advancing in their careers. Explore practical tools, core motivations, and action steps.
Explore ways to improve accuracy, maximize profitability, and enhance efficiency by reviewing best practices, timekeeping technologies, and real-life strategies to minimize non-billable time.
This session highlights how research, drafting, and organization can impact case results. It offers valuable insights for paralegals to ramp up their case preparation skills.
This session explores ways to recognize and address adult bullying, ensure employees feel safe reporting incidents, and educate staff on policies and procedures for workplace bullying.
This session explores strategies for communicating with LGBTQ+ individuals and allies. Discover tips for engaging confidently in meaningful conversations to foster growth, healing, and understanding within diverse communities.