ODW2413 – Finding Your Passion: Identifying Practice Areas that Ignite Your Interest
What is your passion in law? Join this course of self-discovery to determine which practice areas align with what fulfills you professionally. Explore how to take a step in the right direction in your career.
ODW2352 – Becoming Trauma Informed in the Legal Profession
Most American adults had a traumatic childhood event, which can alter brain development and increase the prevalence of perceived threats at work. Understanding how trauma appears at work can help you develop more productive and effective interactions
ODW2414 – Transferrable Skills: Leveraging Your Expertise in New Practice Areas
Are you interested in other practice areas? Discover in-demand skills for various practice areas and how to leverage the skills you already have. You may have more transferrable skills than you realize.
ODW2368 – Evidence Law Using Mnemonics Memory Method
Discover how to memorize the rules of evidence using a variety of mnemonics.
ODW2419 – The Opportunities in Confrontation
This course will explore why we are apprehensive in facing difficult matters in a diverse work environment and reveal the sometimes-hidden opportunities that confrontation presents.
ODW2370 – Difficult Clients: De-escalation Techniques
Explore how to manage challenging clients with emotional intelligence and communication skills. Discover how to navigate and de-escalate tough client interactions to create a more productive client relationship.
ODW2374 – They Just Don’t Get It: Bridging Multigenerational Tug-of-War
Come learn valuable insights into understanding and bridging generational gaps, with a focus on empathy as the key. Discover strategies for creating a harmonious multigenerational work environment.
ODW2376 – How to Effectively Leverage LinkedIn for Law Firm and In-House Positions
A well-optimized LinkedIn profile is your secret weapon. Discover the art of crafting a compelling LinkedIn profile, cultivating a professional network, and effectively showcasing your skills. Elevate your legal career with the power of LinkedIn.
ODW2377 – Legal Tech Including Ethical Considerations
Learn how to upskill your career by embracing legal technology. Explore the benefits, risks, and ethical considerations.
ODW23C35 – Taming the Legal Spend Beast: Outside Counsel Management Through Effective & Efficient Methods
This session will discuss the most common hurdles to effective outside counsel management from both sides of the legal coin (in-house and law firm) and how best to determine whether to stay in-house or use external support.