ODWA21C25 – How to Write Appellate Briefs
This on-demand webinar is a walkthrough of how to prepare an appellate brief. The focus is primarily federal appellate briefs, but the course provides helpful information that applies equally to state appeals.
ODWA21C26 – Insurance Law – Duties of the Insurer
This on-demand webinar reviews the four insurer duties: defend, indemnify, investigate, and settle.
ODWA21C27 – Internet Law – Communications Decency Act
This on-demand webinar covers the basic immunities provided to interactive computer service providers under the Communications Decency Act of 1996.
ODWA21C28 – Internet Law – Enforcing Online Contracts
This on-demand webinar identifies the key issues Courts address in determining whether to enforce an online contract.
ODWA21C29 – Justice and the Fifth Amendment
This On-demand webinar explores whether the Fifth Amendment prohibits justice from being served.
ODWA21C30 – Legal Immigration Needs – What You Should Know
This on-demand webinar includes providing an overview of specific areas of U.S. law and policy related to immigration; discussing ways to recognize the parameters and extent of the problem; and identifying ways to assist people at the border.
ODWA21C31 – Qualified Immunity for Law Enforcement
This on-demand webinar provides an overview of the doctrine of qualified immunity in federal court, which is being heavily debated across the nation in light of recent police shootings and other similar incidents.
ODWA21C32 – Responsive Pleadings – Best Practices
This on-demand webinar explores the most persuasive methods to structure and format a written response, and how all legal argumentation can be boiled down into simple logical statements.
ODWA21C34 – Spoliation of Social Media Evidence
This on-demand webinar discusses ways to prevent or resolve problems associated with spoliation.
ODWA21C35 – The Art of the ‘Search’
This On-Demand webinar begins with a brief overview introducing some of the biggest challenges with search, and how today's technology can help the process.
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