This on-demand webinar covers the due diligence process conducted by paralegals for real estate, financing, merger & acquisition, and other types of transactions.
This on-demand webinar provides attendees with an overview of specific areas of U.S. law and policy related to trafficking to help people recognize the extent of the problem and to identify ways to assist survivors.
Attendees learn appropriate interviewing techniques as well as problem areas to avoid as they relate to labor and employment law - what you can and can't do/ask legally in an interview. Real world examples are used.
This session provides an overview of elder law for those who are either interested in practicing in this area, or who have family members confronting these issues.
Over the last several years, the cannabis industry has enjoyed explosive, exponential growth. This is true for both strains of cannabis: federally legal hemp (0.3% THC or less) and federally illegal marijuana (more than 0.3% THC).
This presentation reviews some core features of transportation law before reviewing how states have followed or ignored that guidance with respect to shipments of federally lawful hemp moving through their borders.
This 1st Amendment session focuses on the purpose behind the 1st Amendment while exploring and understanding the Establishment Clause, the Free Exercise Clause, Freedom of Speech including Freedom of the Press, and more.
This presentation discusses the history of the plea bargaining system, provides an overview of the current system, recognizes the benefits and inherent problems with the plea bargaining system, and how legal professionals can assist.