CP Practice Exam
Test bank of questions for the CP® Exam with feedback on answers.
Criminal Litigation
The Criminal Litigation course explores the intricacies of criminal law and procedure. Issues addressed in the course range from search and arrest, through the criminal process, to appeal.
Trial Practice
This course provides a broad picture of how a case proceeds through the courts, from trial court to appellate courts to the Supreme Court.
Family Law – Adoption and Assisted Reproduction
In this course you will perform legal research and apply it to fact patterns, thereby gaining a richer, broader understanding of the intricacies of adoption and assisted reproduction law.
Family Law – Dissolution Case Management
This course concentrates on practice and procedure in the area of marriage dissolution case management.
Family Law – Division of Property and Spousal Support
This course concentrates on practice and procedure in the area of alimony and property division.
Land Use
This course provides an overview of zoning and land use regulation. Zoning is a type of public control that places many limits on how land is used. Each city or county places all its properties into zones.
California Advanced Specialization in Discovery
This course highlights differences between Federal and California discovery laws and procedures. Whether you have one year or ten years of experience, professional certification can help you advance your career.
Family Law – Child Custody, Support and Visitation
This course concentrates on practice and procedure in the area of child custody, support, and visitation.
Real Estate Principles
The Real Estate Principles course presents fundamental concepts related to acquisition, possession, use, and transfer of real property.
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